Audio Addiction
(2005)Truax's second full-length solo album on CD, digipak, featuring 'Inside the Internet' and 'The Butterfly and the Entomologist'.
"Thomas Truax is probably one of the five or ten best singer/songwriters in the world that you've never heard of. His last album, Full Moon Over Wowtown, was a weird, wonderful masterpiece, depicting the struggles and triumphs of the citizens of Wowtown, Truax's imaginary city, and orchestrated with a full array of real and invented instruments. Audio Addiction is sparer, darker and more tethered to the real world -- although in a twisted sci-fi way -- but just as worthwhile...
Lots of people say they'd like to hear more music that's different, creative and boundary-pushing, but hardly any of them mean it. If you're one of the few, welcome to your own new audio addiction."
- Jennifer Kelly,